Our History
Bethel Community Facility (BCF) was envisioned 40 years ago by Rev. John H. Rice, Sr., former Pastor of St. Bethel Baptist Church. After, years of watching the area he grew up in deteriorate, he decided that a local community center was needed to serve as a headquarters for community restoration. Without the help of bank loans, the center was constructed—brick-by-brick—slowly but surely. Often construction was halted for months until money was raised to buy more brick. Finally the building was completed. DEBT FREE.
The doors of the 25,000 square foot complex finally opened in 1988. The builiding houses a 5,400 square foot gymnasium, with shower and locker rooms, barber shop, a fitness and equipment area; a restaurant size kitchen; cafeteria; day care center; a 50 seat performing arts room with 4 study rooms; a browsing library for children and adults; 2 classrooms, a computer lab, a medical clinic, pharmacy and a banquet hall. The first community crisis to be tackled was adult literacy. Today there are over 15 programs and services available to the community.

To participate in the development of the community economically and socially; promote the educational growth of both children and adults; and assist in the strengthening of the family through programs and services designed to assure responsibility, encourage self-growth and provide advocacy ongoing support for those most in need.
That low-income families are strengthened with the tools needed to have an improved quality of life, economic growth and personal self-sufficiency.